PhD program in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology







The PhD student should follow the specific admission procedure from the university where he/she will enrol. +info

•Recommended admission profile
•Access requirements and admission criteria
•Training complements
•Offered vacancies
•Recommended admission profile
Students should have passed at least 60 ECTS from the Master in Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, or from another master degree related with nanoscience and nanotechnology. During this training stage, student must have acquired the following capacities:
1) Analysis and synthesis capacity of scientific problems.
2) Capacity to develop the different stages of a research project (from bibliographic research to objectives planning, design of experiments using the adequate methodology, analysis of results and development of conclusions).
3) Multidisciplinary training in chemistry, physics and materials science, including biochemical aspects allowing him to communicate with experts on these fields and knowing the nanoscience language.
Previous knowledge: Basic knowledge in the chemical, physical and biological aspects of nanoscience is recommended. Specifically, students must know the chemical, physical and biological techniques commonly used in the preparation of nanomaterials and nanostructures; the study of these nanomaterials and nanostructures using microscopic (in particular, electronic.

Language skills: PhD students should be able to communicate fluently in English in a scientific environment, both at written and spoken levels. To guarantee this skill, students must do oral presentations in English at local level (group meetings) and at international level (international meetings and congresses), where they should present their research work.

Part-time students
According to existing university rules, part-time enrolment in the PhD program is allowed. The admission procedures and criteria are the same as for full-time students. Students can change from one to another modality, prior request and approval by the Doctorate Academic Board (CAD).
•Access requirements and admission criteria
Generally, for entering into a Spanish doctoral programme, the applicants must hold one of the Spanish official qualifications such as a degree or equivalent, and a Master’s Degree qualification (R.D. 99/2011).

Specific admission requirements are:
1) To have completed 60 credits of the Master in Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, or any other Master related to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, with the previous approval of the Doctorate Academic Board.
2) To have a “Diploma de Estudios Avanzados” (DEA), obtained according to RD 778/98 or have reached the “Suficiencia Investigadora” according to RD 185/85 in PhD programs similar to the present.
3) Students from master studies different to the ones described in the previous paragraphs can be admitted provided they take specific training to complement the needed previous knowledge. The Doctorate Academic Board shall establish which courses from the Master in Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology the student has to take. The number of credits will never exceed 24.
Students who comply with the abovementioned criteria, can access the PhD program.

Admission criteria
The Doctorate Academic Board is the body responsible of the admission procedure. The aspects and merits to value are:
a) Degree and master student’s marks (60%).
b) Results obtained during his master thesis (publications and congress contributions) (25%).
c) English knowledge (10%).
d) Other merits related with her/his research training based on candidate’s CV (5%).
•Training complements
The recommended way to access to this PhD program is the Master in Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, or any other master related with nanoscience and nanotechnology.

If the student has obtained a master’s degree different from the abovementioned, the CAD shall establish some training complements that the student has to take. These complements will be courses from the Master in Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology related with supramolecular chemistry (4,5 ECTS), molecular electronics (9 ECTS) and molecular nanomagnetism (4,5 ECTS). More detailed information about these courses can be found at the master’s webpage (

These courses will be given during intensive training activities organised jointly by all participating universities.
•Offered vacancies
Universitat de València: 25 vacancies per year
Universidad de Alicante: 15 vacancies per year
Universitat Jaume I: 10 vacancies per year
Universidad de La Laguna: 10 vacancies per year
Universidad de Castilla La Mancha: 10 vacancies per year