PhD program in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology






Training Activities

The Doctorate program in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology includes two kinds of training activities: transversal (and hence common with the programs of all the participating universities) and specific for this PhD program.

All these training activities will be recorded, verified and evaluated in the Activities Document.

Along with the doctorate, students must complete the following training activities:
1. Transversal Training Activities
2. Attendance to the National School on Molecular Materials/Escuela Nacional de Materiales Moleculares (ENMM) and the European School on Molecular Nanoscience (ESMolNa)
3. Presentation of research work in national or international congresses
5. Preparation and presentation of two formal seminars

Along with the doctorate, is it recommended that students complete the following training activities:
4. Attendance to research seminars
6. Stays in Higher Education Institutions or Research Centres (300 hours)
1. Transversal Training Activities
The Postgraduate’s Services from each participating university are in charge of organising transversal training activities such as:

Scientific papers drafting.
Oral expression and argumentation skills.

Open-source movement in science and research.
Citations and impact: research activity evaluation in Sciences and Health Sciences.
Personal bibliography management with RefWorks 2.0 in Sciences and Health Sciences.
Research activity evaluation and open scientific publication (on-line).
Research grant calls.
Transfer of research results.
Students will have to choose 3 or 4 of those activities depending on their University of enrolement, with duration from 40 to 60 hours.
Students from University of Valencia will follow 4 of these activities with a duration of 15 hours each.


2. Attendance to the National School on Molecular Materials/Escuela Nacional de Materiales Moleculares (ENMM) and the European School on Molecular Nanoscience (ESMolNa)
At these two schools, an up-to-date vision of the state of the art in the different aspects of materials science and molecular nanotechnology (molecular magnetism, molecular electronics, molecular and materials nanoscience applications, etc.) will be provided. At the same time, a discussion forum where young researchers (master and PhD students from Spain and Europe) have the opportunity to present their research results will be created.

PhD students will present the results achieved in their research work in oral communications.

This activity will be carried out in Spanish at the ENMM and in English at the ESMolNa. All students must take part in each of these schools at least once, preferably during the second year.

From 2015 ENMM will be organized every two years, while ESMolNa takes place every year in May or June.



Training activity file card
3. Presentation of research work in national or international congresses
The participation of the doctorate students in at least two scientific congresses during the PhD program is recommended. Preferably, these congresses should be of high scientific level and of international character. In these congresses, the student will present an oral communication or a poster.

Training activity file card
4. Attendance to research seminars
The attendance to at least one seminar per semester, given at the student’s university, is strongly recommended.

Training activity file card
5. Preparation and presentation of two formal seminars
PhD students must prepare and present two formal seminars. The first one will be done within the first 18 months of their studies and will consist on the presentation of the research working plan and the initial results. During the second seminar students will present their results and conclusions as this will serve as a preparation of the PhD thesis defense.

Both seminars can be given at the student’s university or during her/his participation at the European School on Molecular Nanoscience (ESMolNa)

Training activity file card
6. Stays in Higher Education Institutions or Research Centres (300 hours)
It is advisable that the PhD students carry out a scientific stay in another university or research centre to complete their research work.

Training activity file card