• Molecular Spintronics
    is a new field of research that combines the ideas and concepts developed in spintronics with the possibilities offered by molecules to perform
    electronic functions, to form self-organized nanostructures and to exhibit quantum effects.

    It ultimate goal is the creation of new spintronic devices using molecular materials, or in the longer term one or a few molecules in the race
    toward miniaturization.
  • To reach this goal a coordinated effort of the communities of Spintronics, Molecular Electronics and Molecular Magnetism is needed.

    These communities are developing a very competitive and high-quality work in Europe in their respective fields. Still, Molecular Spintronics is so
    new that an initiative to encourage networking of researchers in this field is of paramount importance.

    The present COST ACTION intends to fill this gap integrating these communities around a common Action that should serve to consolidate the
    world-leadership of Europe in this field.

ITC Conference Grants are aimed at supporting PhD students and ECI researchers* from Participating Inclusiveness Target Countries** (ITCs) to attend international science and technology related conferences not specifically organised by the COST Action.


The following eligibility criteria apply:
1. Conference Grants are exclusively reserved for PhD students and ECI’s with a primary affiliation in an institution located in an ITC. That ITC must be a member of this COST Action at the time of the application.
2. The applicant must make an oral/poster presentation at the conference in question and must be listed in the official event/conference programme. The main subject of the oral presentation / poster presentation / speech at the approved conference must be on the topic of the Action and must acknowledge COST***.
3. The participation of each applicant must be pre-approved by the Conference Grants Coordinator. Attendance at European conferences is preferred. However, conferences held elsewhere can also be considered.


The evaluation criteria are:
1. Type of contribution (Invited/Contributed/Oral/Poster)
2. Relation of the Conference to MOLSPIN COST Action Topics
3. Balance among Working Groups
4. Balance among member Countries
5. Participation of more than 1 member of the COST Action in the contribution
6. Gender balance

The selection of successful applicants must be done so in consideration of the scientific scope of the proposed mission and how the mission can support the Action in achieving its scientific objectives.


Continuous call: Applicants must send their applicacions through e-cost (https://e-services.cost.eu/user/login) at least 45 days in advance of the conference. Once a month, the Conference Grants Coordinator will evaluate the proposals gathered until that date and will communicate the results to the Grant Holder Administrator, Chair, Vice-Chair and the applicants.


A Conference Grant is a fixed financial contribution which takes into consideration the budget request of the applicant and the outcome of the evaluation of the application by the Conference Grants Coordinator. Conference Grants do not necessarily cover all of the expenses related to participating in a given conference. A Conference Grant is a contribution to the overall travel, accommodation and meal expenses of the selected Grantee.

The calculation of the financial contribution for each Conference Grant will respect the following criteria:

Up to a maximum of EUR 2 500 in total can be afforded to each successful applicant.

Up to a maximum of EUR 160 per day can be afforded for accommodation and meal expenses.

Up to a maximum of EUR 500 can be claimed for the conference fees to be incurred by the selected Grantee.

In addition when meal and accommodation expenses are supported by the hosting institution as part of the provisions offered in their conference package, the amount for subsistence afforded to each eligible participant must be deducted from the Grant. Documentary evidence of the conference fee amount must be provided by the applicant.


The Grantee has 30 calendar days from the end date of the Conference in question to submit a scientific report to the Conference Grants Coordinator and the Action’s Grant Holder. Payment of the Grant is subject to the submitted scientific report being approved by the Conference Grants Coordinator.

*ECI researchers: Early Career Investigator - An individual who is within a time span of up to 8 years from the date they obtained their PhD/doctorate (full-time equivalent).

** List of Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITCs): The countries from the list which belong to this Cost Action are highlighted in bold letters:
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Serbia and Turkey.

***All publications generated from work performed by Action Participants must include, display and respect the COST corporate identity adhering to the brand guidelines detailed in the COST brand book, available for download at: http:/www.cost.eu/media/visualidentity. For more information see COSTVademecum attached, Section 9.

Other important documents: